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Caring for My HP Laptop

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Saved by Michele Gasser
on April 15, 2009 at 9:19:48 pm

Teacher Laptops - Care & Use of Your HP6830

A Tour Around Your HP6830 (pdf) - Provides names and functions for all the buttons and switches on your laptop.

Battery Maintenance (pdf) - Explains how to calibrate your new battery and how make your battery last longer.

WebFolders (pdf) - Step-by-step directions to setup your HP6830 laptop to access files stored on the school network when you're not at school.

How to Care for Your Laptop Computer - A little advice from WikiHow.


Laptop Loan Agreement

Laptop Loan Agreement.pdf



Some helpful tutorial videos on proper laptop care.


How to care for your laptop...CSI style!  A great video to show students as well. (~10 min) 

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Hopefully our tech support isn't like this, but this video does provide a site to get support from HP.  (~1 min)

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